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Foto di Gabriele Fronzé

Gabriele Fronzé

CEO @ Elemento Cloud

I am the founder and CEO of Elemento Modular Cloud.

I have grown as a science and engineering enthusiast and this passion brought me to graduate at the highest level of education in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics at the University of Torini (IT) and IMT-Atlantique in Nantes (FR). I have always been brilliant in public speaking and in the coordination of working groups, involved in several groups (school newspaper, choir, etc.) since the secondary school. Since the childhood (3 years old) i had the opportunity to work with computer and to understand the way they work, in particular I played and worked with Windows systems since Windows 95. When I was 15 years old I started to build my own computers as well as my family and colleagues ones, acquiring a deep knowledge in the computer hardware panorama both for the consumer grade and for the enterprise-grade components.

During the University years I have become more and more confident with Unix systems in general, daily used as a fundamental tool for my every day tasks. I'm passioned in hardware and software. I like to get the maximum result at the minimum cost, whether economical or time related. I have developed a great ability to feel comfortable with any programming language, even with a short practice period. In order to obtain the highest efficiency during the creation of a solution for a new or old problem, I like to use first a pragmatical approach to the task, with a strict focus on what's the result I would obtain. Only at this moment my theoretical background comes in hand to optimize and to reach the efficiency one should expect from a professional grade solution.
Once Ernest Rutherford said, regarding an experiment which lead to a Nobel Prize discovery, "We had no money, so we had to think about it" and I think this short and meaningful sentence well synthesizes my approach to work and life.