We turn our experience into a shared resource, offering the tech community the opportunity for continuous professional growth at an affordable price.
We organize free or low-cost events and courses to ensure that everyone can easily access high-quality educational resources.
We provide curated and up-to-date content created by experts, ensuring a top-tier learning experience for your professional development.
We connect tech talent with each other and with companies, creating professional growth opportunities through events and collaborations.
Our training offerings are built on the real-world experience our community of experts has gained by working on actual projects. We are not just instructors—we are skilled professionals who know how to teach and help you develop concrete, applicable skills.
Mentorship sessions give you the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals, receiving personalized support and practical feedback to turn your ambitions into tangible results.
Explore our ever-growing collection of podcasts and videos to stay informed about the latest industry updates. With fresh and relevant content, expand your knowledge by listening to insights from tech leaders and innovators.
Created by tech professionals for tech professionals, Improove Talent is the platform that helps you discover opportunities that truly recognize your expertise, with job listings carefully reviewed by our team to ensure quality.
Improove is more than just a platform—it's a community of tech professionals who connect, share experiences, and grow together. Every year, we organize conferences, hackathons and workshops to help you engage with industry experts and stay ahead of the latest trends.
Get started for free with access to videos and podcasts, or explore premium plans for training courses, conferences, and one-on-one support with our mentors.
€ 0
Watch all technical videos and listen to podcasts for free
€ 120 / year
Learn from experts and access all courses for free
€ 500 / year
Access all courses and attend our events for free
€ 2000 / year
Get free access to all courses, events, and one hour of mentorship per month